Our internet went out last night. Right in the middle of trying to figure out what the safe argument does with jekyll. I was navigating around the jekyll repository on github when suddenly our modem stopped being connected to the internet. This was followed by a few futile attempts to get it the modem to connect to the ISP.
So we spent the night wrapped in a cold blanket of isolation from the world. It was this isolation that revealed to me the addiction I have been living with for the past few months. My morning and night time routine consisted of loading up Hacker News, Reddit, and my Google Reader and clicking anything that was remotely interesting. This included any F7U12 comics, amusing pictures, or news about what innovations AMD and Intel are releasing in the next 6-8 months.
Since my routine was shaken up last night and this morning (fixed after a rather long phone call) I have cleaned up the apartment and become motivated enough to fix up my domain and actually post some content (even though I am writing this while the internet is working). I also intend to post some experiments with KnockoutJS on here in the near future. I still have not completely figured out the navigation or the complete layout yet but so far it is looking nice enough.
Unfortunately it seems that in order to shake things up and go from being a passive consumer to an active producer I need to shut down my internet for 24 hours. This sounds like it is related to what I know about focus. Remove distractions and you can gain focus easier.